“DC STAR – Swan Song” was produced by Chris Koawl for David and Goliath Music. With direction of David Simmons and assisted by Erik Cloyd and Taylor Thomas; Koawl created a fantastic tribute to 80’s rockers DC STAR from re-mastered slides and short pieces of film.
The audio track is from a never released vinyl test pressing of The 1983 Miller High Life Rock to Riches National Finals Show. The concert took place at the legendary Beacon Theatre in NYC and featured one of the earliest performances of John Bonjiovi of Bon-Jovi fame.
Very special thanks to Susan Singer of Reach Digital Management for providing technical support to David and Goliath Music and the encouragement that keeps DC Star Music alive.
On behalf of myself and the other members of DC Star; your support of David and Goliath Music and continued support of DC Star Music is both humbling and appreciated!
Best wishes to you and yours for the new year to come! - David Simmons